Thursday, July 9, 2009

My mom's follow up eye surgery in Dallas...

My mom had her follow up eye surgery this morning in Dallas to remove the silicone oil that was put in her eye during her surgery in late April in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The following are excerpts of emails and notes from my sister Miki in Dallas, TX to the family...
7:42AM: (LA time)

Dear all,

we arrived the Presbyterian hospital in Dallas this morning at 6:05am. Admitted mom, and she was resting in the room, Took some anti nausea medication. Started IV on her and she was resting comfortably in bed. She took a good nap since she didn't sleep well last night. I also had only 4 hours of sleep last night.

It's 9:40am now. They wheeled her into the operation 20 minutes ago to remove the silicone oil that was put in during her previous operation back on 4/28, please keep her in your prayers. Should be done before 10:30pm, and they will take her back into this room for recovery. After resting for another hour, she should be good to go. i will drive her back home and be back to work this afternoon.

She needs to come back tomorrow at 9am for follow up. Ricky will take her tomorrow. The doctor said she should be able to see clearly in 7-10 days.

Will keep you updated later. ........ _________________________________________________________

She got back to the recovery room a few minutes ago, everything looks fine. She didn't complain any pain at all, nothing like last time, just a bit dizzy. I guess it's the medicine/sedation that she was given.

Doctor just came and said that everything went fine. She should be out of here in an hour or whenever she feels comfortable. Mom was given some food to eat since the last time she had food was 6pm and drinks at 9pm last time. She is eating some cookies and drinking cranberry juice now. kind of happy that everything is over, she even offered me the blueberries muffin since it's too sweet for her. Yeah, it's too sweet for me too.

Alright then, thanks for the prayers, and thank God for His protection.


Getting her ready to be check out now. Chat later.

Mom went home, threw out the crackers that she ate. Might be because she swallowed them too quickly in the first place or because of the reaction from the operation which is normal.

She felt some pain around 3pm since the numbness was gone so i asked her to take some advil first before i go and get the pain killer for her after work.

She had lunch at 1:10pm and ate normal...

She is feeling minor pain on and off, i need to get off work soon so that i can order some pain killer for her to take.


I called her at around 7:00PM tonight and she is doing very well and she is actually very high spirited.... I guess may be it is because most of her kids had called her and even her granddaughter Amanda called her .... :)

Again, Thank you all for you prayers....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was very interesting for me to read the post. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.