Monday, December 1, 2008

Sultan: Don’t harp on trivial issues

Malaysia belongs to all races, not just the Malays. The country is what it is today because of the contributions of all races and that is something we must acknowledge.

Wong Chun Wai, The Star

The Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, known as a person who speaks his mind, gives his views on several current issues – from the changing political scenario after March 8 to the recent fatwa on yoga.


Your Royal Highness, since the March 8 elections, Malaysia has seen a lot of changes in the political landscape. Selangor, for example, is now under the Pakatan Rakyat while many national political figures come from the state. What is your general impression on politics?

As a rule, I do not get involved in politics. I am expected to remain neutral and above politics and I am very conscious of this. But I wish to say that the expectations of Malaysians have increased. They want their elected representatives to be more mature and to have more depth.

For example, I am disturbed that some of our politicians, regardless of their political parties, prefer to dwell on trivial issues. They are harping on issues that have no relevance to the country. With the global economic crisis, I would expect them to focus their energy and resources on how best they could help Malaysians face this financial uncertainty. But the issues that these politicians have brought up are disappointing. I am concerned with the manner some politicians exploit racial issues for their own agenda.

Malaysia belongs to all races, not just the Malays. The country is what it is today because of the contributions of all races and that is something we must acknowledge.

I am concerned with the quality of some politicians. I hope the leaders will put some thought into grooming and succession. This is like a race. The baton must be passed to the best runner to finish the race. We are talking about the future of our children. They deserve the best leaders.

Click here to read the full story

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