He is off the the photo therapy today, they will test him tomorrow morning to make sure that he does not need to be back on...
The Big Sister finally held her little brother this morning..... (she does not like to be called chicken out....)
Mommy is trying to get a hang of feeding him after eleven years...
The nurses are trying to teach us (daddy, mommy as well as big sister....) how to change diapers,
Met the other Grandma.... the Auntie conveniently took Grandpa with her.....
We are running back and forth the hospital today delivering breast milk and of course seeing him....
We sat through a video on Infant CPR tonight, two more videos to go.... (required for infant in NICU)
Miranda has a two-hour class to attend tomorrow to teach the basics for infants in the NICU...
erm.. bet Anderson can't wait to go home with you all.. haha.. he is cute~
Good job Amanda, I'm sure you will get the hang of it and will do great...can wait to hold him too! :P
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