Saturday, April 25, 2009

My new BlackBerry Storm

Thank you all for voting on my blog for my next phone. I know most of you had voted for the iPhone and I liked iPhone as well. But after much research and consideration, and since my main application is email, IM and web browsing, I decided to get the BlackBerry Storm. I think the main reason is the familiarity with the BlackBerry products. I have been using them for the past couple years and I hate to learn something new all over again.

So, this morning I dived in and got myself a Storm. All of us got new phones, including Miranda and Amanda. Our numbers remain the same but we are with Verizon Wireless now...


Llanet said...

Congrats...I got one too and I am loving it so far...

Amanda Yong said...

I luv 2 play on my daddy's new BLACKBERRY STORM!

But...he thinks it's annoying...:)